Wellsprings offers two bioidentical progesterone creams, Serenity and Twenty to One (also known as '20-1').

Our Serenity cream contains 2.34% natural progesterone while our Twenty to One combination cream contains the same amount of progesterone plus 0.12% natural oestrogens.

For most women, and especially for those getting started with bio hormones, we recommend Serenity cream. However for some women Twenty to One may be more effective. Check the comparison chart below to find out which cream is best for you.
Serenity Cream 20-1
You're experiencing classic menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes/night sweats, mood swings and sleep problems
This is your first time trying natural progesterone
You're suffering from menopause-related weight gain
You've found that Serenity cream does not adequately control your menopause symptoms
You've previously been on HRT
You have vaginal dryness or atrophy
You've had a hysterectomy
You're suffering from menopause-related anxiety and depression

PLEASE NOTE: If you have a medical history where oestrogen is inadvisable then as a precaution we suggest you use Serenity rather than Twenty to One.

Read more about Serenity cream here...

Read more about Twenty to One cream here...
* This information is for general interest only. Every woman is unique. Your results may vary.