It can be preceded by a condition called Osteopenia in which bone density starts to decrease below normal levels.
It's believed that modern lifestyles and eating habits combined with environmental pollutants are largely to blame for a general decline in bone quality amongst mature, western adults. The hormonal changes of menopause then further accelerate the problem.
A number of studies have shown that natural progesterone can lead to significant new bone formation and slow or halt the progress of osteopenia and osteoporosis.
Dr John R. Lee, who spent over 20 years prescribing and studying natural progesterone, dedicated much of that time to researching its effectiveness in treating osteoporosis.
His studies showed a 15% average increase in bone marrow density amongst post-menopausal women using transdermal progesterone cream over a 3 year period. This contrasts sharply with the average 5% drop in bone density experienced by women taking no treatment at all.
The conclusions he drew from his work and from first hand experience in private practice offer great hope to potential sufferers.
"Post-menopausal osteoporosis is a disease of inadequate osteoblast-mediated new bone formation secondary to progesterone deficiency. Progesterone restores osteoblast function. Natural progesterone hormone is an essential factor in the proper treatment of osteoporosis."
- Dr John R. Lee
Common bisphosphonate drugs used to treat osteoporosis can have serious side-effects, including cracks in the bone. Natural progesterone has no such side-effects.
Wellsprings Serenity is a premium natural progesterone cream that has been helping women overcome symptoms of hormone imbalance, including osteoporosis, since 1997.
Dr John Lee – Natural Progesterone, The Multiple Roles of a Remarkable Hormone
Prior J.C. ‘Progesterone as a bone-trophic hormone’.Endocrine Reviews 1990:11:386-398
* This information is for general interest only. Every woman is unique. Your results may vary.
Natural Progesterone
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Wellsprings offers two varieties of natural progesterone cream. Read on to find out which is best for you
Despite claims to the contrary, Yam Extract does NOT contain progesterone or raise progesterone levels in the body
All information given on this site is for general interest only. Every woman is unique. Your results may vary.